Hello out there! I know it's been a while and I'm sorry about that. My intention for this blog was to make myself accountable to all of you in the hopes that it would push me to reach my goal. This was a hard year. Now, I have a general facebook/blog policy of not talking about work or the people I work with but I feel like I need to examine what went down at my place of employment. About this time last year I was left in a difficult work situation. There was a parting of the ways so to speak and I was left some very large shoes to fill. So, I went from working 40hrs a week to working 50 or 60. Working on Saturdays,Sundays and late at night. It felt like everything was on fire and I put alot of pressure on myself to do a good job. Also going on this past year, my sister Melanie is no longer in Atlanta and is going through a tough time with something I can't help her with. I miss them being so close and the fact that I can't help makes me frustrated and angry.
So, I sacrificed the time I spent at the gym and running for work. My eating went totally out of control. Ben & Jerry was my BFF and we spent many a night together. So after a year of hard work what do I have to show for it? A 40lb weight gain, a one year prescription for anti-depressants, my blood-pressure is under surveillance, and a raise. Now that I've written it all down, it doesn't really seem like a fair exchange. I didn't handle the stress well. I just went into panic mode and freaked out. What can I learn from this so I don't make the same mistakes again? I mean the stress of my job isn't going anywhere so I've got to learn to cope with it better. I think that is Lesson #1. Stress Management.
I plan to make 2011 a better year. More to come...